At the end of September, I received an email presenting a unique opportunity to highlight youth involvement participating in climate activism. The email came from a U.S. film producer working for the U.S. Department of State’s Foreign Press Center.

Egypt Today is creating a mini documentary, accompanying magazine article and social media spotlights in time for COP27. The program objective is to model how diverse youth (under 35) from across the United States are using creative media to activate the next generation to fight the effects of climate change in their communities. The goal: To inspire Egyptian youth to get involved in climate action.

Several members of the Bay Area Chapter participated in field interviews with a journalist and videographer from Cairo, Egypt last week. It was an amazing experience for those of us representing Climate Reality, with the opportunity to share our views on some very interesting topics. Below are just a few of the questions our chapter members were asked.

What have been the greatest changes you have seen over the past years of environmental activism?

  • People of all ages, nationalities, religions, and races are speaking up and demanding community/local/state/national change and action.

  • Stakeholders - investors, board members, employees and customers - are demanding change from global corporations.

  • Youth and young adults today - ⅓ of world population are under 35 - are realizing the power of their voice and their vote.

  • Environmental activists play a big role in holding officials and corporate executives’ accountable – or ‘feet to the fire.’

  • There is hope - we have the solutions. We now need to make sure all nations take action. 

What are your views on the role of youth in climate change?

  • ·Youth today have been witness to the effects of climate change for most of their lives and ask how we could let this happen.

  • Young people search out the facts and believe in science, and bring their authentic selves and voices to the climate fight.

  • Young people are realizing that one voice can make a difference and that there is power together to make things happen.

  • Creativity abounds in speaking and spreading the truth to others, and to help engage communities around a common cause.

  • Young people are fearless.

Given so many other urgent topics, how hard is it to get the international community to pay attention to climate change?

  • The effects of climate change can be seen nearly every day somewhere in the world. Disastrous hurricanes, tornadoes and mudslides; rain bombs and floods; extreme drought and heat. Pandemics, food shortages and crop failures. Fires, loss of wildlife species, water shortages. 

  • The Climate Reality Project has 42,000+ trained climate reality leaders around the world to help educate and engage communities. And there are many more through the vast network of climate organizations.

  • Countries must stop the suppression of journalists and facts. Stop misinformation campaigns and government cover-ups. Stop the blocking of fact-sourced Internet sites.

  • Continue to create, share, innovate. A small group of people can effect change.

How would you answer the questions above? We’d love to hear from you!

Submitted by Pam Allio, Climate Reality Leader, Bay Area Communications Chair


